Instrumental trio LHD consists of Lada, Hrvoje and Dinko, former members of The Bambi Molesters and The Strange. They are coming to Split for the first time to present their debut album “Off the Grid”, which was released in May 2022.
We will use Siniša Miklažić’s review from as the best announcement of the concert: “As much as the time in which the album was created was not at all inspiring (pandemic + earthquakes in Zagreb and Sisak/Petrinja), so much of these songs emanate the spirit of community, friendship and some incredible warmth that makes you listen to the album again and again. You can see that this trio has a lot of experience, that they know what they are doing, and that they have a bright future ahead of them. If they are lucky, they will probably win some award for debutant of the year, as has been the case with our ‘profession’ in recent years… All kidding aside, these ten songs launched LHD to the heights The Bambi Molesters were at. The album is complex as a whole, from beginning to end it flows flawlessly and there are no bad moments that we would like to delete. From the opening ‘Tzar of Premantura’ which is a ‘small connection’ song, full of surf miniatures, through the middle with the beautiful ‘Boiling Water, Dreamy Girl’ and ‘Stage Bomb’ until the closing ballad ‘This Caramel Should Cover the Earth’, everything works intoxicating, seductive, in one word, excellent.”
The concert will take place at Trokut, the terrace of the Youth Center. The concert has an intimate atmosphere with 100 tickets put for sale. The LHD concert in Split is realized with the financial support of the City of Split and the Tourist Board of the City of Split.
Tickets for performances on Friday and Saturday are available at the online WEBshop and one hour before the start of each performance at the venue or at the festival office (Plančić street 2, from 20th to 25th of May, 9:00 to 17:00). Tickets for The Green are available at the HNK Splt WEBshop or at the theatre box office. Tickets for Project 4,28 km/h are available at the Municipal youth theatre Split WEBshop or at the theatre box office. If you would like and can afford to support the organization of the festival, you can purchase a slightly more expensive festival pass and help the future development of contemporary circus.
Instrumental trio LHD consists of Lada, Hrvoje and Dinko, former members of The Bambi Molesters and The Strange. They are coming to Split for the first time to present their debut album “Off the Grid”, which was released in May 2022.
We will use Siniša Miklažić’s review from as the best announcement of the concert: “As much as the time in which the album was created was not at all inspiring (pandemic + earthquakes in Zagreb and Sisak/Petrinja), so much of these songs emanate the spirit of community, friendship and some incredible warmth that makes you listen to the album again and again. You can see that this trio has a lot of experience, that they know what they are doing, and that they have a bright future ahead of them. If they are lucky, they will probably win some award for debutant of the year, as has been the case with our ‘profession’ in recent years… All kidding aside, these ten songs launched LHD to the heights The Bambi Molesters were at. The album is complex as a whole, from beginning to end it flows flawlessly and there are no bad moments that we would like to delete. From the opening ‘Tzar of Premantura’ which is a ‘small connection’ song, full of surf miniatures, through the middle with the beautiful ‘Boiling Water, Dreamy Girl’ and ‘Stage Bomb’ until the closing ballad ‘This Caramel Should Cover the Earth’, everything works intoxicating, seductive, in one word, excellent.”
The concert will take place at Trokut, the terrace of the Youth Center. The concert has an intimate atmosphere with 100 tickets put for sale. The LHD concert in Split is realized with the financial support of the City of Split and the Tourist Board of the City of Split.
Contemporary circus collective ROOM 100
(Association for culture and sport Positive force)
Biskupa Jurja Dobrile 6, 21000 SPLIT
OIB 72990924436